Resolution 240941

Renaming the 400 block of Krams Avenue to "Jack Wheeler Way", in recognition of his outstanding service to the Roxborough community and his role in the formation of the Roxborough Development Corporation.

Oct. 17, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Renaming the 400 block of Krams Avenue to “Jack Wheeler Way”, in recognition of his outstanding service to the Roxborough community and his role in the formation of the Roxborough Development Corporation.
WHEREAS, Jack Wheeler has been an integral part of the Roxborough community for over 25 years, dedicating his time and efforts to support and promote local businesses; and
WHEREAS, Jack Wheeler’s Hair Salon, located at 483 Krams Avenue, has been a cornerstone of the Roxborough community for decades, serving not only as a barbershop but as a gathering place for residents; and
WHEREAS, Since its opening, Wheeler’s salon has provided exceptional hairstyling services while fostering an atmosphere of warmth, camaraderie, and community spirit; and
WHEREAS, Jack Wheeler also played a vital role in the inception and development of the Roxborough Development Corporation (RDC), serving as a steadfast advocate for the preservation and growth of small businesses in the area; and
WHEREAS, Wheeler’s unwavering commitment to the community has not only fostered economic development but has also created a warm and welcoming atmosphere in Roxborough; and
WHEREAS, He is beloved by his clients and neighbors alike, known for his genuine connections and the “Wheeler Magic” that brings people together; and
WHEREAS, Jack Wheeler’s contributions extend beyond his successful hair salon, influencing the lives of countless individuals and shaping the identity of Roxborough; and
WHEREAS, The Roxborough Development Corporation recently honored Jack Wheeler for his 25 years of dedicated service, highlighting the profound impact he has had on the neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, Wheeler is a devoted family man, known for his close ties to his wife, Roe, their two daughters, and five grandchildren, often indulging them with special outings around Roxborough; and
WHEREAS, He is celebrated not just for his skills but for his warm personality, fostering relationships that have made him a local legend; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF PHILADELPHIA, Hereby renames the 400 block of Krams Avenue “Jack Wheeler Way”, in recognition of his outstanding service to the Roxborough community and his role in the formation of the Roxborough Development Corporation.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to Jack Wheeler as a token of the sincere admiration of this legislative body.
