Resolution 240777

Recognizing the City of Philadelphia's Commitment to the Voting Rights of Nursing Care Facility Residents Through the "Platinum Voters" Initiative.

Sept. 12, 2024 - Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar by CITY COUNCIL
Sept. 12, 2024 - ADOPTED by CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Recognizing the City of Philadelphia’s Commitment to the Voting Rights of Nursing Care Facility Residents Through the “Platinum Voters” Initiative.
WHEREAS, In our great democracy, the right to vote is a fundamental civic right that must be accessible to all eligible citizens; and
WHEREAS, This is especially true for our society’s most vulnerable, specifically those residing in nursing care facilities, who are often overlooked. Many nursing home residents face significant barriers to participating in elections; in-person voting is often difficult or totally inaccessible due to mobility issues, health conditions, and logistical challenges; and
WHEREAS, Voting by mail provides a crucial alternative for these residents, ensuring that they can exercise their right to vote without the difficulties associated with traveling to polling locations; and
WHEREAS, The City of Philadelphia is committed to promoting inclusivity and ensuring that every eligible voter has unburdened access to participation in the democratic process, crucially in the upcoming Presidential Election on November 5, 2024; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia City Commissioners Office has developed a plan entitled the “Platinum Voters” Initiative to ensure all eligible nursing care facility residents in the City of Philadelphia can easily vote by mail; and
WHEREAS, This plan includes the identification of nursing care facilities using the PA Department of Health’s Nursing Home Registry. Each City Council office will receive a comprehensive list of the nearly 50 nursing care facilities within the City of Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, This plan also includes the distribution of vote-by-mail applications. The City Commissioners' Office will deliver mail-in ballot applications directly to the identified nursing care facility to ensure residents have easy access to the necessary voting materials; and
WHEREAS, This plan further provides for the collection of completed applications. The City Commissioners' Office will coordinate with the nursing care facility to set specific dates for the secure collection of completed mail-in ballot applications, and will ensure that the collected applications are complete and acknowledge receipt with the nursing care facility staff, providing confirmation to ensure accountability; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Commits to upholding the rights of all voters, especially in often overlooked communities.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the “Platinum Voters” Initiative emphasizes the City of Philadelphia's unwavering commitment to inclusivity and ensuring all eligible nursing care facility residents are able to participate fully in the democratic process.
