Resolution 240724

Calling upon the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to strengthen enforcement against illegal activity in merchants that impact neighborhoods throughout the City of Philadelphia.

Sept. 5, 2024 - Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar by CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Calling upon the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to strengthen enforcement against illegal activity in merchants that impact neighborhoods throughout the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, Numerous corner stores throughout Philadelphia have been operating under the pretense of being legitimate restaurants without adhering to the necessary legal criteria and standards. The failure to enforce stringent penalties, citations, and closure orders against these deceptive businesses has allowed them to continue their unlawful practices, contributing to the deterioration of community standards and public safety; and
WHEREAS, These establishments systematically engage in activities that gravely undermine the safety and well-being of our communities, specifically those selling shots of liquor, take out beer, and various medicines, and the exacerbation of crime and violence, which plague and destabilize our lower-income neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, These establishments, masquerading as restaurants, are a blight on our city, contributing to public nuisance and compromising the safety and quality of life for residents. By misrepresenting their operations, they are violating legal standards and regulations intended to ensure that businesses meet proper criteria for food service and alcohol distribution; and
WHEREAS, The lack of rigorous enforcement of fines, citations, and closure orders against these unlawful businesses has led to a troubling erosion of neighborhood standards, allowing these establishments to continue their detrimental operations unchecked; and
WHEREAS, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania must confront the rampant illegal sale of liquor in these establishments with unyielding resolve, enhancing inspection protocols and imposing severe penalties for violations. It is imperative that these enforcement actions address not only the illegal sale of alcohol but also the broader issues of crime and public disorder that these businesses contribute to; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it requests the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania take immediate and decisive action to rectify this situation. The State must intensify its enforcement measures to ensure that these merchants, which deceitfully present themselves as restaurants but fail to meet legal requirements, are subjected to substantial fines, strict citations, and, where necessary, closure.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council call upon state and local agencies to collaborate effectively to tackle the pervasive problems caused by these unlawful operations. This collaboration must prioritize the immediate improvement of community safety and the restoration of neighborhood standards, ensuring that residents are no longer subjected to the negative impacts of these rogue businesses.
