Bill 240671

Amending Title 15 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Parks and Recreation," to add new Chapter 15-800, entitled "Events Permits," to encourage applicants for event planning permits to establish contingency measures, all under certain terms and conditions.

Sept. 5, 2024 - Introduced and Referred by CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Amending Title 15 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Parks and Recreation,” to add new Chapter 15-800, entitled “Events Permits,” to encourage applicants for event planning permits to establish contingency measures, all under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. Title 15 of the Philadelphia Code is hereby amended as follows:
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Chapter 15-800. Event Permits
§ 15-801. Definitions.                      
   (1) Event. Any organized gathering, celebration, or function held in a public or private space where a permit is required from the Philadelphia Department of Parks and Recreation.
   (2) Safety Plan. A detailed strategy designed to address potential risks associated with an Event, including but not limited to emergency response and security measures.
§ 15-802. Permit Application.
An individual or organization applying for an Event permit shall complete an application form provided by the Philadelphia Department of Parks and Recreation. The application form shall include suggestions for planning for security and safety, medical emergencies, parking, and traffic control.
§ 15-803. Required Information; Event Enhancement; Safety Plans.
(1) An applicant for an Event permit shall state on the application whether the applicant has prepared:
       (a) A Safety Plan, which may include the Philadelphia Police Department.
      (b) A comprehensive medical emergency plan that includes access to first aid kits, trained medical personnel, and emergency response procedures. Applicants shall indicate whether they have coordinated with local health services to ensure that emergency medical services (EMS) are aware of the Event’s location and expected attendance. 
     (c) A detailed parking plan that includes designated areas for attendees and emergency vehicles. Applicants shall provide any parking plan that have prepared to Philadelphia Parks and Recreation/City of Philadelphia site managers.
(2) An applicant shall provide, as part of its application, any Safety Plan, medical emergency plan, or parking plan that the applicant has prepared.
(3) When applicable, an applicant shall provide proof of hiring licensed security personnel and detail their qualifications and responsibilities in the applicant’s Safety Plan.
§ 15-804. Notification.
The Philadelphia Department of Parks and Recreation shall provide, as part of the application process, information on the importance of safety planning.
§ 15-805. Voluntary Compliance.
While a Safety Plan is not mandatory, applicants are encouraged to consider it in their Event planning for the benefit of public safety.
§ 15-806. Permit Issuance.
Permits shall be issued regardless of whether a Safety Plan is submitted, provided all other permit requirements are met.
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SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect 90 days after enactment.
[Brackets] indicate matter deleted.
Italics indicate new matter added
