Resolution 240647

Recognizing and commending the Save the Train Coalition for the preservation of Philadelphia's SEPTA services in the community's time of need.

June 13, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Recognizing and commending the Save the Train Coalition for the preservation of Philadelphia’s SEPTA services in the community’s time of need.
WHEREAS, Philadelphia’s public transportation system, particularly its train services, is indispensable to the daily lives of thousands of residents by providing essential connectivity, reducing traffic congestion, and contributing to environmental sustainability; and
WHEREAS, The Save the Train Coalition is a grassroots organization committed to advocating for the preservation, enhancement, and expansion of Philadelphia’s train services to ensure they remain accessible, reliable, and affordable for everyone. It was created to fight drastic cuts to rail and bus service looming because of SEPTA’s ongoing budget shortfalls; and
WHEREAS, Public transportation is a vital component of urban infrastructure that fosters economic development, equitable access to opportunities, and social inclusion. With countless transit-oriented developments in progress or planned across Northwest Philadelphia, it’s obvious how essential transit services are; and
WHEREAS, Recent budget constraints, policy decisions, and infrastructural challenges have jeopardized the continued operation and expansion of Philadelphia’s train services, potentially resulting in reduced service, fare increases, and deteriorating conditions; and
WHEREAS, the Save the Train Coalition has actively engaged with community members, policymakers, and stakeholders to raise awareness about the importance of sustaining and improving train services and has proposed viable solutions to address these challenges. They also realize that maintaining and enhancing train services is crucial for the mobility of low-income residents, seniors, students, and people with disabilities, ensuring that all community members can access essential services and opportunities: now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Recognizes and commends the efforts of the Save the Train Coalition in advocating for the rights and needs of public transportation users. We pledge our continued support to ensure that Philadelphia’s train services remain a robust and integral part of the city’s public transportation network.
