Resolution 240645

Honoring and recognizing the labors of brotherly love, sisterly effectiveness, and sibling solidarity committed by Aid Workers who have crossed rivers and oceans of tears to feed the hungry, to build shelter, to bring music, and to bring healing and the warmth of compassion to those in greatest need.

June 13, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring and recognizing the labors of brotherly love, sisterly effectiveness, and sibling solidarity committed by Aid Workers who have crossed rivers and oceans of tears to feed the hungry, to build shelter, to bring music, and to bring healing and the warmth of compassion to those in greatest need.
WHEREAS, The purpose of humanitarian action is to protect people in need and to ensure access to food, healthcare, and education, and the conditions necessary to live in dignity. The principle “humanity” provides the foundation for the protection of civilians, the restoration of dignity, and for the necessary conditions to enjoy fundamental rights; and
WHEREAS, As of April 30, the UN reported that 254 aid workers had been killed in Gaza since October 7, 2023, with United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) personnel accounting for 188 of these fatalities. At UNRWA, the principle of humanity drives their support for Palestinian refugees. With the principle of humanity at its core, UNRWA delivers essential services to affected populations and advocates on their behalf to ensure that Palestinian refugees are protected through the realization of their fundamental rights; and
WHEREAS, Humanity not only motivates and informs their programming and activities, but it is also fundamental to the successful implementation of UNRWA’s mandate. The agency strives to empower Palestinian refugees through a participatory approach that respects their dignity and rights. In this way, they remain accountable to those they serve; and
WHEREAS, More than 13,000 children have died since the bombardment began on October 7, 2023. The aid workers of Palestine, who are among those risking everything for the safety and future of their children, give hope to this Council body that such courage and reflection could be found among us in the City of Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, These aid workers have put their bodies on the line in the ultimate act of compassion, surviving in solidarity with those who brave terror and bombardment as they seek out sustenance and community, despite the constant presence of death from above; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia City Council is always called to do the work of the people of Philadelphia, and in this moment that work requires us to be responsive to those who suffer, to share in their pain. Not to see others as separate from us, but to see them as a part of us; and
WHEREAS, Separation from those who suffer separates us from the work we are called to do and impedes the realization of a true City of Brotherly Love, Sisterly Effectiveness, and Sibling Solidarity. Our compassion for those who suffer, be they in Philadelphia or Gaza, invites us to use every tool in our power to relieve their pain; and
WHEREAS, Although this Council cannot extend its reach or jurisdiction to shield the children of Gaza from violence, we can at least praise the courage and compassion of those willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, and pray that this war ends tonight; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That we hereby honor and recognize the labors of brotherly love, sisterly effectiveness, and sibling solidarity committed by Aid Workers who have crossed rivers and oceans of tears to feed the hungry, to build shelter, to bring music, and to bring healing and the warmth of compassion to those in greatest need.
