Resolution 240635

Honoring and recognizing the humanitarian efforts of the Puerto Rican community, who rally to protect family, friends and the island of Puerto Rico during cataclysmic hurricanes, earthquakes and any major disasters that strike.

June 13, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring and recognizing the humanitarian efforts of the Puerto Rican community, who rally to protect family, friends and the island of Puerto Rico during cataclysmic hurricanes, earthquakes and any major disasters that strike.
WHEREAS, In the City of Philadelphia, residents as well as nonprofit organizations and various stakeholders stand ready to provide life saving support to the people of Puerto Rico when disaster strikes; and
WHEREAS, For the 2024 Hurricane season beginning June 1st, meteorologists are predicting worsening storms and a more violent season; and
WHEREAS, Over the summer, Puerto Ricans prepare for the unpredictable conditions that storm season can bring to the small, peaceful island, raising funds for the most vulnerable victims of these ecological disasters; and
WHEREAS, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, is predicting a harrowing hurricane season with a whopping 17 to 25 named storms, with eight to 13 forecasted to become hurricanes; and
WHEREAS, The island of Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricanes Irma and Maria, and recovery has been slow and gradual. The island has not fully recovered. Casualties were undercounted, with the Government initially reporting only 63 fatalities despite hundreds of victims missing. Over 3,000 Puerto Ricans were lost during that season, as hundreds in rural communities were cut off from food, water and essential services; and
WHEREAS, When FEMA and the Federal Government failed, Puerto Ricans in Philadelphia and across the world poured their resources into saving as many lives as they could; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors the efforts of the Puerto Rican community who rally to protect family, friends and the island of Puerto Rico during cataclysmic hurricanes, earthquakes and any major disasters that strike.
