Resolution 240634

Recognizing June 2024 as Children's Awareness Month in the City of Philadelphia.

June 13, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Recognizing June 2024 as Children’s Awareness Month in the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, Children’s Awareness Month was initially established to honor the memory of all the children who have died violent deaths in America. However, Children’s Awareness Month has evolved into something even greater; and
WHEREAS, Children's Awareness Month has evolved into a month that not only commemorates the lives of the youth, but also serves as an opportunity to foster and cultivate the pleasures and treasures of childhood; and
WHEREAS, Amidst concerns such as poverty, homelessness, and substance use, the children facing these challenges daily are often overlooked. According to the 2023 State of the Child, Philadelphia has 325,435 children under the age of 18, representing 20% of Philadelphia’s total population; and
WHEREAS, Growing Up Philly, a publication by the Department of Public Health, estimated that Philadelphia's child mortality rate in 2017 stood at 71.6 deaths per 100,000 children, the highest among large Cities and Counties in the United States and nearly 45% higher than the national child mortality rate of 49.5 deaths per 100,000 children; and
WHEREAS, Every child deserves to be valued and cherished, prompting us as advocates, City officials, parents, and allies, to stand together not only this month but every month to ensure the health and well-being of all children; and
WHEREAS, Prioritizing the health and well-being of children within our community fosters a future characterized by outstanding leaders, educators, and champions; and
WHEREAS, This body recognizes the urgent need for increased attention and resources directed towards all children, particularly those in Philadelphia. This Council must work tirelessly alongside advocates, community leaders, and stakeholders to ensure that every child in Philadelphia has access to the resources, opportunities, and support necessary to thrive and succeed; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That we hereby recognize June 2024 as Children’s Awareness Month in the City of Philadelphia.
