Resolution 240631

Honoring Masjid Quba and the Quba Institute for their work organizing Quba International, Senegal, an initiative to enhance education in West Africa and further welcoming Senegalese Minister for Education, Moustapha Guirassy, to the United States.

June 13, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring Masjid Quba and the Quba Institute for their work organizing Quba International, Senegal, an initiative to enhance education in West Africa and further welcoming Senegalese Minister for Education, Moustapha Guirassy, to the United States.
WHEREAS, The key drivers of Quba International, Senegal is operational analysis and instructional review of democracy in operational oversight, ethics in accountability, excellence in academics, and fidelity to diversity, equity, and inclusion of the political, socio-cultural, and religious institutions that underpin the well-being of Senegalese society; and
WHEREAS, On July 5th and 6th, the Quba Institute will be hosting a retreat at Clara Muhammad Park, The Philadelphia Masjid, and Bartram Gardens. The goal of this retreat is to provide organizers opportunities to brainstorm, research, and analyze data that captures current needs, catalog resources, and map progress towards goals that will frame future planning for Quba International, Senegal; and
WHEREAS, Throughout the retreat, attendees and the 30-member delegation from Senegal will participate in religious and cultural events such as an interfaith prayer breakfast with Philadelphia City officials, faith leaders from the Religious Leaders' Council and the Interfaith Center of Philadelphia, as well as dignitaries and leaders from the West Coast Senegalese Diaspora and officials from Senegal's current government. The retreat will also serve as a launching point for the unveiling of a satellite school project that they plan to build in Senegal; and
WHEREAS, The Quba Institute holds a unique historical legacy for successfully building the kind of educational institution that is needed in Senegal. Not only do they have the curriculum and experience to bond academics to traditional religious instruction, but they have produced a well-rounded, whole-person body of students whose lives reflect the Institute’s approach to teaching; and
WHEREAS, The work of the Quba Institute and Masjid Quba should be celebrated for bringing about positive change in the world; now therefore, be it
RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors Masjid Quba and the Quba Institute for their work organizing Quba International, Senegal, an initiative to enhance education in West Africa and further welcomes Senegalese Minister for Education, Moustapha Guirassy, to the United States.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this Resolution be presented as a sign of the sincere admiration and respect of this legislative body.
