Resolution 240603

Requesting the Mayor to return to Council Bill No. 240336, entitled "An Ordinance Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Zoning and Planning" by adding definitions; and creating a new Chestnut Hill Lower East /NCO in the area generally bounded by the SEPTA Chestnut Hill East Line, Cresheim Valley Drive, Germantown Avenue, Winston Road, Moreland Avenue, Devon Street, Ardleigh Street, and Springfield Avenue, under certain terms and conditions," for the purpose of reconsideration by the Council of the vote by which said bill passed Council.

June 6, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
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Requesting the Mayor to return to Council Bill No. 240336, entitled “An Ordinance Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Zoning and Planning” by adding definitions; and creating a new Chestnut Hill Lower East /NCO in the area generally bounded by the SEPTA Chestnut Hill East Line, Cresheim Valley Drive, Germantown Avenue, Winston Road, Moreland Avenue, Devon Street, Ardleigh Street, and Springfield Avenue, under certain terms and conditions,” for the purpose of reconsideration by the Council of the vote by which said bill passed Council. 
WHEREAS, Bill No. 240336 was passed by Council on May 30, 2024, and thereafter presented to the Mayor for her signature; and
WHEREAS, Council now wishes to reconsider the vote by which said bill passed Council; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That Council hereby requests the Mayor to return to it Bill No. 240336, entitled “An Ordinance Amending Title 14 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Zoning and Planning” by adding definitions; and creating a new Chestnut Hill Lower East /NCO in the area generally bounded by the SEPTA Chestnut Hill East Line, Cresheim Valley Drive, Germantown Avenue, Winston Road, Moreland Avenue, Devon Street, Ardleigh Street, and Springfield Avenue, under certain terms and conditions,” for the purpose of reconsideration by the Council of the vote by which said bill passed Council. 
