Resolution 240600

Honoring and recognizing Miya Benintende and Mark Macyk of the Edward T. Steel School as recipients of the 2024 Lindback Award for Distinguished Teachers.

June 6, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring and recognizing Miya Benintende and Mark Macyk of the Edward T. Steel School as recipients of the 2024 Lindback Award for Distinguished Teachers.
WHEREAS, The Edward T. Steel school is a K-8 public school in North Philadelphia that in 2014 nearly left the School District of Philadelphia, with the school advisory council voting to turn it into a charter school; parents voted to keep it in the School District. The school stayed public, and received funding for renovations and resources afterward; and
WHEREAS, The school serves the Nicetown community and offers families and students a community space that is a beacon for educational opportunity. Its teachers support and nourish student minds, and over the past decade have doubled down on devoting their time and support to students; and
WHEREAS, Miya Benintende is a third grade teacher at Edward T. Steel school. She first arrived in 2019 to teach kindergarten, then moved to third grade English and writing. She is beloved by her students and their parents, and regularly described as the type of special teacher that can transform young minds and help them grow; and
WHEREAS, Mark Macyk is a 6th/7th grade English Language Arts and homeroom teacher, always bringing light to start his students’ days. He is passionate and always eager to live up to Steel’s standards of providing holistic, inspirational education that helps developing minds reach their full potential. In his spare time, he writes short stories for Halloween; and
WHEREAS, Both Ms. Benintende and Mr. Macyk are unique and special to their school and to their students. Their communities have recognized their quality and chosen to uplift both teachers through the 2024 Lindback Awards for excellence in teaching. And because of the quality of both Ms. Benintende and Mr. Macyk, the School District of Philadelphia chose the rare honor of awarding both teachers from Steel School with a 2024 Lindback Award to recognize and celebrate their outstanding teaching contributions and their role as pillars of the Edward T. Steel school community; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Honors and recognizes Miya Benintende and Mark Macyk of the Edward T. Steel School as recipients of the 2024 Lindback Award for Distinguished Teachers.
