Resolution 240590

Honoring the five 4th District recipients of the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teachers Tyriese Holloway, Robert Smith, Michelle R. Shaw-Carpenter, Garth Shuler, and Christina Kimmel.

June 6, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring the five 4th District recipients of the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teachers Tyriese Holloway, Robert Smith, Michelle R. Shaw-Carpenter, Garth Shuler, and Christina Kimmel.
WHEREAS, The Lindback Award for Distinguished Teachers recognizes teachers from the School District of Philadelphia who demonstrate excellence in promoting learning at the highest levels. This Lindback Foundation pays special attention to teachers that work to improve the intellectual and character development of their students; and
WHEREAS, In 2024, five teachers throughout the 4th Council District were awarded the Lindbeck Award for Distinguished Teachers; and
WHEREAS, Tyriese Holloway is an English teacher at Overbrook High School where he has served for the past six years. Throughout his years at Overbrook, he has made it his mission to be there for his students and be an important figure in their lives. In addition, he is determined to ensure that students can conquer any challenge they may face; and
WHEREAS, Robert Smith serves within in the autistic support program at Roxborough High School. He was central in designing and implementing the first team-teaching program at his school. He is also a dedicated coach for both the track and girls’ volleyball where he ensures his teams are inclusive for all regardless of athletic prowess, behavioral disorders, or academic needs; and
WHEREAS, Michelle R. Shaw-Carpenter has served as an educator at the Thomas Mifflin School in the East Falls Neighborhood of Philadelphia for the past 14 years. Michelle’s unwavering commitment to teaching and sharing knowledge remains steadfast ensuring she will continue to be an educator in various capacities; and
WHEREAS, Garth Schuler serves as a CTE instructor at Walter B. Saul High School in the Roxborough Neighborhood of Philadelphia. Over his 21 years as a teacher in the School District of Philadelphia, he has worked as a landscape construction and agricultural mechanics teacher relying on his experience in the home renovation field. Over his years, he has successfully produced many years of award-winning flower show exhibits; and
WHEREAS, Christina Kimmel has served as a K-8 art teacher at Cook-Wissahickon School in the Wissahickon Neighborhood of Philadelphia for the past 12 years. Tracing her passion for art back to her childhood, she has used this passion to inspire all her students to develop their creative genius in different ways. Throughout her time at Cook-Wissahickon, she has brought many different programs and opportunities to her students; and 
WHEREAS, The students in the 4th Council District are extremely lucky to have these teachers which have dedicated their lives to educating our youth, and this Council Body congratulates them on their achievements; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors Tyriese Holloway, Robert Smith, Michelle R. Shaw-Carpenter, Garth Shuler, and Christina Kimmel, for receiving the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teachers.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to Tyriese Holloway, Robert Smith, Michelle R. Shaw-Carpenter, Garth Shuler, and Christina Kimmel as a sign of the admiration and respect of this legislative body.
