Resolution 240588

Honoring and congratulating the Champions of the Week, The Fairmount Water Works Freshwater Mussel Hatchery, for their research and efforts to improve water quality and aquatic life in the City of Philadelphia using lab-grown freshwater mussels.

June 6, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring and congratulating the Champions of the Week, The Fairmount Water Works Freshwater Mussel Hatchery, for their research and efforts to improve water quality and aquatic life in the City of Philadelphia using lab-grown freshwater mussels.
WHEREAS, The Fairmount Waterworks have made a new discovery in their quest for water restoration in Philadelphia waterways using lab-grown freshwater mussels. These mussels act as filters on the floor of the rivers, eating debris and bacteria to fight pollution in waterways. After years of trials with different methods of improving biodiversity, the scientists have made a breakthrough that had not been expected; and
WHEREAS, Senior scientist Lance Butler and Program Specialist Shannon Boyle of Fairmount Water Works have led the efforts in producing these lab-grown freshwater mussels. They discovered that by using a recreational sporting fish instead of different native fish to link the mussels for production, they were able to produce more than twice the number of mussels per fish; and
WHEREAS, The scientists found that by using the hybrid Striped Bass fish, because of its “heartiness” they were able to produce over 200 mussels per fish, opposed to 80 previously. The Striped Bass is also an easier and cheaper fish to produce for freshwater mussel growth; and
WHEREAS, The goal of the Freshwater Mussell Hatchery to have over a million of lab-grown mussels in surrounding waterways becomes easier to obtain with this breakthrough that will now allow up to half a million mussels being produced per year. The Hatchery will relocate to a bigger facility in Bartam’s Garden to house increased production; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That we honor and congratulate The Fairmount Water Works Freshwater Mussel Hatchery for their researching efforts to improve quality and aquatic life in waterways in the City of Philadelphia.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy be presented the Fairmount Water Works Freshwater Mussel Hatchery, further evidencing the sincere admiration and respect of this legislative body.
