Resolution 240587

Honoring and recognizing Gloria Twine Chisum, PhD, for her civic leadership and service to the City of Philadelphia.

June 6, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring and recognizing Gloria Twine Chisum, PhD, for her civic leadership and service to the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, Dr. Gloria Twine Chisum is a retired experimental psychologist who worked for the U.S. Navy. She managed the Life Sciences Research Group, and then led the Environmental Physiology Research Team at the U.S. Naval Air Development Center in Warminster, Pennsylvania; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Chisum developed specialized, protective goggles for pilots who operate high-performing aircraft, significantly decreasing their exposure to bright light and to losing consciousness. She also authored two books on night vision goggles and on laser eye protection for flight personnel; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Chisum attended the University of Pennsylvania, earning a Ph.D. in 1960. She became the first African American woman to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees, serving as Vice Chair of the Board for 12 years.  She also chaired the Boards of Advisors of the School of Social Policy & Practice and the Graduate School of Education and served as a member of the School of Arts and Sciences Board of Advisors. She is beginning her fiftieth year as a University Trustee; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Chisum, along with her late husband, Melvin J. Chisum, Jr., supported many areas of the University of Pennsylvania, including the School of Arts and Sciences, the School of Social Policy & Practice, the Graduate School of Education, and the Perelman School of Medicine. She was a founding member of The James Brister Society, which promotes the University of Pennsylvania's efforts to attract, encourage, and maintain a culturally diverse community of faculty, students, administrators, staff, and volunteers; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Chisum received numerous awards, including the Raymond F. Longacre Award from the Aerospace Medical Association, the George Washington Carver Scientific Achievement Award, the Alumni Award of Merit from the University of Pennsylvania, and the Black Engineer of the Year Award for Achievement in Government; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Chisum was named a Distinguished Daughter of Pennsylvania in 1981. She received the 1994 Judge William H. Hastie Award, given annually to "one or more Philadelphians who stand at the very forefront of their professions and in both their professional and volunteer efforts make important contributions in furthering civil rights and the national well-being"; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Chisum was formerly Chair of the Board of the Free Library of Philadelphia, a member of the Board of the William Penn Foundation, and a member of the Board of the Pew Charitable Trusts; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Chisum greatly contributed to her scientific field and served in key leadership roles at esteemed Philadelphia institutions, including the University of Pennsylvania; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors and recognizes Gloria Twine Chisum, PhD, for her civic leadership and service to the City of Philadelphia.FURTHER RESOLVED, An Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to Gloria Twine Chisum, PhD, as a token of this body’s respect and appreciation.
