Resolution 240542

Honoring Eric D. Williams, founder of the Project Elijah Empowering Autism Foundation, for his work ensuring that children with autism are supported, included, protected, and empowered by creating the "Autistic Person Area" street sign.

May 30, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring Eric D. Williams, founder of the Project Elijah Empowering Autism Foundation, for his work ensuring that children with autism are supported, included, protected, and empowered by creating the “Autistic Person Area” street sign.
WHEREAS, The Project Elijah Empowering Autism Foundation was founded by Eric D. Williams after his son Elijah was diagnosed with autism. Frustrated and angered by the lack of programs in his community, Eric created the foundation in 2004; and
WHEREAS, The Project Elijah Empowering Autism Foundation uses innovative holistic methods that offer diversity and inclusion experiences in safe, nurturing, and judgement free environments; and
WHEREAS, In 2024, The Project Elijah Empowering Autism Foundation embarked on a new journey to make sure that children and others with autism are protected and supported in their neighborhoods. The Foundation has created “autistic person area” signs which denote that an individual with autism lives in the area. Much like signs designating that a blind or deaf person lives in the area to remind motorists to watch their surroundings, the “autistic person area” sign ensures that those who are autistic are safe and protected in their neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, The “autistic person area” signs have made a massive impact on the City of Philadelphia. The Project Elijah Empowering Autism Foundation has received over 400 requests for signs throughout the City and has received requests from other cities and states throughout the United States. To date, the foundation has successfully placed 55 signs, and are excited to place many more in the months and years to come; and
WHEREAS, The dedicated work of Eric D. Williams and the Project Elijah Empowering Autism Foundation has done on behalf of those with autism should be honored and commemorated; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors Eric D. Williams, founder of the Project Elijah Empowering Autism Foundation, for his work ensuring that children with autism are supported, included, protected, and empowered by creating the “Autistic Person Area” street sign.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an engrossed copy of this Resolution be presented to Eric D. Williams as a sign of the admiration and respect of this legislative body.
