Resolution 240507

Authorizing the City Council Committee on Public Health and Human Services to hold public hearings to examine, understand, and unveil the resources website developed as a result of the Parent University 2.0.

May 23, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Authorizing the City Council Committee on Public Health and Human Services to hold public hearings to examine, understand, and unveil the resources website developed as a result of the Parent University 2.0.
WHEREAS, The Parent University 2.0 was held on February 24th, 2024, at the School of the Future at 4021 Parkside Avenue.  The event aimed to inform parents, educators, and community members about available resources to aid families and children. Parent University 2.0 hosted a plethora of resource vendors from varying topics including higher education, City departments, and the private sector. This event had an immense impact on the collective awareness of resources in the community; and
WHEREAS, To ensure the positive effects of Parent University 2.0 continue, a website has been developed to consolidate the available resources into one accessible location. This will make certain that the community has access to information and resources that are available to them. Sharing the knowledge of resources with the community allows for empowerment and aid to be brought onto families that may be struggling or are in need of assistance; and
WHEREAS, Through collaboration with Katrina Pratt-Roebuck's resource directory website titled “Uplifme”, Parent University 2.0 has been able to formulate an accessible platform to share resources within the City of Philadelphia. The resources range from after school programs for children, scholarships, accessible healthcare, or locating affordable hygiene products and food. This platform remedies the stress for parents, caregivers, and community members in search of assistance; and
WHEREAS, It is vital that the members of the Committee on Public Health and Human Services are aware of the Parent University 2.0 website in order to contribute and share the extensive knowledge of resources within their district or community. By contributing more knowledge of available resources into the website’s database, the website will become a hub of information and a powerful tool to aid the families that reside in the City of Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, A hearing to inform the Committee on Public Health and Human Services on this website would be beneficial not only for the Parent University 2.0 website, but for the constituents of the City of Philadelphia. Through collaboration, this Committee can use this website as a tool to assist community members in need of accessible resources. It all begins with making knowledge of resources accessible to those who need it most; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Hereby authorizes the City Council Committee on Public Health and Human Services to hold public hearings to examine, understand, and unveil the resources website developed as a result of the Parent University 2.0.
