Resolution 240486

Renaming the 2700 Block of Germantown Avenue "Leo Rosenblum Way" to honor Leo Rosenblum for his significant contributions to the community and his outstanding legacy in business.

May 23, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
May 16, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Renaming the 2700 Block of Germantown Avenue “Leo Rosenblum Way” to honor Leo Rosenblum for his significant contributions to the community and his outstanding legacy in business.
WHEREAS, Leo Rosenblum was the original founder and owner of Leo’s Men and Boys Clothing store at 2700 Germantown Avenue, a business that has thrived in existence for over 70 years; and
WHEREAS, Leo Rosenblum’s beginnings were marked by great adversity, having witnessed the horrors of the Holocaust as a child. Leo became a resistance fighter against Hitler’s German Army, where he was heralded as a hero and protector of innocent lives, saving many during the atrocities of World War II; and
WHEREAS, After the war, like many immigrants, Leo sought a better life and settled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In 1954, he seized the opportunity to own his business, establishing Leo’s Men’s Apparel, which he later moved in the early 1960s to 2705 Germantown Avenue, the location it still proudly occupies today; and
WHEREAS, Leo’s Men and Boys Wear, now managed by his son Dave Rosenblum, continues to serve the North Philadelphia community, maintaining the family legacy and embodying the vision of its founder; and
WHEREAS, Leo’s is more than a clothing store; it is a cornerstone of the community, a place where individuals from all walks of life-ranging from famous R&B groups to local politicians-come to dress for success. Leo’s has also been a training ground for aspiring entrepreneurs and fashion designers; and
WHEREAS, The Rosenblum family has successfully carried on Leo’s legacy through three generations, ensuring that his dream lives on and continues to enrich the local community and its culture; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Hereby renames the 2700 Block of Germantown Avenue “Leo Rosenblum Way” to honor Leo Rosenblum for his generation-spanning contributions to the community, his entrepreneurial spirit, and his lasting impact on the fabric of North Philadelphia.
