Resolution 240479

Honoring, recognizing, and supporting the courage of the residents at Brith Sholom House located at 3939 Conshohocken Avenue in their pursuit of safe, fair, accessible, and affordable housing in the City of Philadelphia.

May 16, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring, recognizing, and supporting the courage of the residents at Brith Sholom House located at 3939 Conshohocken Avenue in their pursuit of safe, fair, accessible, and affordable housing in the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, The Brith Sholom House, located at 3939 Conshohocken Avenue in the Wynnefield Heights neighborhood of Philadelphia opened in 1968 with funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s 202 Senior Housing Plan extended in 1972. For more than 50 years, it has served as an independent residence facility for seniors living on fixed incomes, are disabled, or have served in the military; and
WHEREAS, When it was first built, Brith Sholom House was a haven for the elderly community in West Philadelphia. Unfortunately, over the years, the building’s owner has driven the building into a state of disrepair; and
WHEREAS, As of today, Brith Sholom House is currently home to approximately 150 senior residents, but currently is at risk of being closed. This would lead to massive displacement for hundreds of seniors, leaving them no place to go. Since 2007, there has been over 293 violations from the Department of Licenses and Inspections within 72 specific cases. As of March 14, 2024, there are currently 107 violations open at Brith Sholom. The Department of Licenses and Inspections has declared that the property is “unsafe” and that the violations constitute an “immediate danger or hazard to health safety and welfare”. Historic and ongoing violations at the building include: uninhabitable and unsafe conditions throughout the second floor of the building, inoperable elevators lacking valid inspections from the Commonwealth, mold growths throughout the building, severe structural damage, locked common spaces, infestations include bed bugs, mice, roaches, and racoons, inoperable heating systems, a lack of a fire manifesto, inoperable hot water tanks, non-compliant fire suppressions systems, hazardous plumbing system issues, exposed wires, non-functioning lighting, non-existent management, limited access to the mail room, removal of furniture from the lobby, squatters occupying certain units, and crime throughout the building due to lack of building security. Moreover, Brith Sholom Winit, LP is operating without a rental license and therefore cannot legally collect rent. Despite this, management continues to demand rent from residents and threaten them with eviction if they do not comply; and
WHEREAS, In August of 2023, Brith Sholom Winit, LP, the owners of Brith Sholom House filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which was dismissed, and as of November 17, 2023, Brith Sholom House has been in receivership under the control of Stockton Real Estate Advisors Property Management. Brith Sholom House is currently under the threat of utility service shut-offs due to over two years of non-payment by the property owner and the receiver. The building is also under the threat of a Sheriff Sale. On May 1, 2024, SREA Property Management LLC filed their First Interim Report highlighting the challenges that are faced by the residents of Brith Sholom House (Exhibit A). While the receiver has made an effort to remediate some hazards, the receiver is unwilling to invest the money necessary to fully repair the hazardous conditions and is instead seeking to have tenants vacate the building. Currently, Brith Sholom House is the subject of multiple court cases, one being filed by the City of Philadelphia in response to the owner’s failure to resolve open L&I violations in City of Philadelphia v. Brith Sholom Winit, LP. In addition, New World Credit v. Brith Sholom Winit, LP is another court case where creditors have sued Brith Sholom House for repayment of millions of dollars’ worth of loans; and
WHEREAS, The residents of Brith Sholom House that have built our City and have defended our country are living in unsafe, deplorable, and inhuman conditions; this is unacceptable. Residents have received multiple threats from the Receiver’s property management team that the building will be closed which leads to indescribable amounts of fear and anxiety for the residents living in the building; and
WHEREAS, The City must do everything in its power; legislative, budgetary, or otherwise to support the residents of Brith Sholom House. Senior citizens living at Brith Sholom House have survived the horrors of wars, lived through the Great Depression, fought through the civil rights movement and other times of protest, and have seen our country and City grow throughout the generations. It is time that the City repays the debt they are owned and invest in their safety, security, and well-being; and now therefore be it
RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors, recognizes, and supports the courage of the residents at Brith Sholom House located at 3939 Conshohocken Avenue in their pursuit of safe, fair, accessible, and affordable housing in the City of Philadelphia.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City must do everything in its power to keep Brith Sholom House as permanent, affordable housing for seniors.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an engrossed copy of this Resolution be presented to the residents of Brith Sholom House as a sign of the admiration, respect, and esteem of this legislative body.
