Resolution 240478

Recognizing and congratulating the Champion of the Week, Antoinette Ellis, a North Philadelphia native and student at Parkway Center City Middle College, on the occasion of being named a Gates Scholar.

May 16, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Recognizing and congratulating the Champion of the Week, Antoinette Ellis, a North Philadelphia native and student at Parkway Center City Middle College, on the occasion of being named a Gates Scholar.
WHEREAS, Antoinette Ellis attended St. Martin de Porres Catholic School and the City School before attending Parkway Center City Middle College, where she is graduating as valedictorian at the top of her class with a 4.39 grade point average; and
WHEREAS, In her free time, Antoinette gives back to her community by participating in Fire Explorers, a program to teach teenagers about fire science and emergency medical services. She is ultimately looking to utilize these skills as a Registered Nurse when she graduates college; and
WHEREAS, As a communications and engagement intern in City Council, she planned and executed “Understanding Your Government,” a web series aimed to educate the population on voting and the importance of civic engagement leading up to the 2024 Pennsylvania primary election; and
WHEREAS, A strong writer and orator, Antoinette participated in two respective years at an annual speech contest. Her speeches referenced the importance of peer-to-peer connection amidst a youth gun violence crisis, and the ‘audacity’ it takes, as a young woman of color, to thrive in the face of adversity; and
WHEREAS, Through her work with the community and accomplishments in school, Antoinette was awarded the Gates Scholarship, a prestigious award given to only 300 out of 53,000 applicants nationwide; and
WHEREAS, Antoinette is a 2024 graduate of Parkway Center City Middle College and has earned an associate’s degree from the Community College of Philadelphia. She will attend the University of Michigan on full scholarship where she plans to study nursing; now, therefore, be it,
RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That we recognize and congratulate the Champion of the Week, Antoinette Ellis, a North Philadelphia native and student at Parkway Center City Middle College, on the occasion of being named a Gates Scholar.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy be presented to Antoinette Ellis, further evidencing the sincere admiration and respect of this legislative body.
