Resolution 240453

Recognizing Mt. Airy Day, this Saturday, May 11th as we embrace the spirit of community and its enduring commitment to building bridges, breaking down barriers, and fostering a sense of belonging among all residents of Mt. Airy.

May 9, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Recognizing Mt. Airy Day, this Saturday, May 11th as we embrace the spirit of community and its enduring commitment to building bridges, breaking down barriers, and fostering a sense of belonging among all residents of Mt. Airy.
WHEREAS, Mt. Airy Day, and event eagerly anticipated and warmly embraced by the residents of Philadelphia year after year, has become a cherished annual tradition in Philadelphia, symbolizing not only a celebration of festivity and joy but also serving as a poignant testament to the unwavering spirit of unity, community, and resilience among its residents. Mt. Airy Day, originally conceived as a street festival, has grown to encompass a vibrant tapestry of music, food, vendors, and innocent fun, enriching the lives of all who attend; and
WHEREAS, The inception of Mt. Airy Day arose from a noble purpose - to bridge the divide between not only East and West Mt. Airy, but as an intentional integration of both African American and white individuals living in the neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, Prior to the establishment of Mt. Airy Day, residents of East and West Mt. Airy remained within their own silos, with limited opportunities for interaction, except at places like Sedgwick Playground, a beacon of community where young children played together, teens engaged in friendly competition on the basketball court, and the Northwest Bantams football team and Cheerleading Squad found a home; and
WHEREAS, Sedgwick Playground, nestled within its surrounding area, encompassing a block of Germantown Avenue, stood as the hallowed ground for the inception of Mt Airy Day, serving as a symbol of the grassroots endeavor to revitalize and reclaim public spaces, while simultaneously fostering meaningful connections and nurturing bonds of friendship and solidarity among neighbors; and
WHEREAS, Over the years, Mt. Airy Day has evolved and expanded, moving to its current location between Upsal and Johnson, while retaining its essence as a celebration of community pride, diversity, and togetherness; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Hereby honors and recognizes East and West Mt. Airy Neighbors and extends its warmest congratulations on another successful celebration of Mt. Airy Day.
