Resolution 240440

Proclaiming May 5th-May 11th, 2024, as "National Correctional Officers and Employees Week" in the City of Philadelphia to celebrate the dedicated work of the correctional officers and staff at the Philadelphia Department of Prisons.

May 9, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Proclaiming May 5th-May 11th, 2024, as “National Correctional Officers and Employees Week” in the City of Philadelphia to celebrate the dedicated work of the correctional officers and staff at the Philadelphia Department of Prisons.
WHEREAS, Beginning on May 5, 1984, President Ronald Reagan first declared “National Correctional Officers Week” to thank correctional officers for their work and celebrate their contributions to our society. In 1996, Congress expanded National Correctional Officers Week to include correctional employees to recognize the dedicated work of prison staff throughout the United States; and
WHEREAS, Thousands of Philadelphians work under an oath to uphold the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, The Pennsylvania Constitution, and the Constitution of the United States through their work with the Philadelphia Department of Prisons; and
WHEREAS, The vital work of the staff and correctional officers on State Road is directly responsible for keeping the over 4,100 individuals incarcerated in the City’s prison system safe and on the path to successful reintegration into our communities as returning citizens; and
WHEREAS, In addition to the work of correctional officers, staff at the Prisons Department serve in multiple capacities, from medical and social work responsibilities to the operational duties that make the correctional facilities run. Each of these roles are vital to the criminal justice system in Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, The complex, demanding, challenging, and sometimes dangerous roles that correctional officers and prison employees hold often do not receive the recognition that they deserve. Therefore, it is necessary to elevate those who serve in those positions as symbols of professionalism, dedication, and loyalty; and
WHEREAS, Even in the midst of understaffing challenges, the large number of correctional officers and prison staff are dedicated employees of the City of Philadelphia and are essential to making Philadelphia the safest, cleanest, and greenest big City in the nation. Their work should be uplifted, supported, and recognized; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby proclaims May 5th-May 11th, 2024, as “National Correctional Officers and Employees Week” in the City of Philadelphia to celebrate the dedicated work of correctional officers and staff at the Philadelphia Department of Prisons.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this Resolution be presented to the Philadelphia Department of Prisons as a sign of the admiration and respect of this legislative body.
