Resolution 240437

Declaring May 5th to May 11th, 2024, as Youth Apprenticeship Week in the City of Philadelphia, and recognizing the impact of youth apprenticeship programs on workforce development in the City of Philadelphia.

May 9, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Declaring May 5th to May 11th, 2024, as Youth Apprenticeship Week in the City of Philadelphia, and recognizing the impact of youth apprenticeship programs on workforce development in the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, Youth Apprenticeship Week is celebrating its inaugural year of raising awareness of the vital role that Youth Apprenticeships playing providing job opportunities and pathways to the people of Philadelphia by allowing youth apprentices to earn while they learn and advance into good, quality jobs and well-paying careers, and the ability to advance in those careers; and
WHEREAS, Youth Apprenticeship Week is designed to increase awareness of Registered Apprenticeships among youth, educators, parents, state agencies, workforce partners, industries and to highlight the benefits of apprenticeships as a pathway to careers; and
WHEREAS, This observance gives apprenticeship sponsors, career and technical education (CTE) programs, employers, labor unions, workforce agencies and other diverse partners the opportunity to showcase the value of Registered Apprenticeship programs for youth and gives apprentices a platform to highlight their apprenticeship experience; and
WHEREAS, The advancement and well-being of Philadelphia depends upon its ability to expand opportunities in its workforce that are inclusive of youth and young adults who have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality in their chosen fields; and
WHEREAS, Registered Apprenticeship programs are uniquely able to meet the changing demands of Philadelphia’s economy and provide a path for all qualified individuals, including women, youth, people of color, rural communities, justice-involved individuals and individuals with disabilities to become apprentices and contribute to America’s industries; and
WHEREAS, The City of Philadelphia recognizes that both Youth Apprenticeship, and other Registered Apprenticeship programs in general, are proven, industry-driven training models that foster improvements in job quality while creating access to good-paying, family sustaining jobs for all, starting with youth and young adults; and
WHEREAS, Philadelphia has committed itself to strengthen talent development pipelines for all industry sectors while simultaneously open the doors of opportunity for youth and young adults- our future workforce; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, that we hereby declare May 5th to May 11th, 2024, as Youth Apprenticeship Week in the City of Philadelphia, and recognize the impact of youth apprenticeship programs on workforce development in the city of Philadelphia.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy be presented to Youth Apprenticeship Week, further evidencing the sincere admiration and respect of this legislative body.
