Bill 240428-A

Prohibiting the Commissioner of Public Property, or any other official of the City of Philadelphia (the "City") acting on behalf of the City from entering into, executing, or authorizing a lease extension, lease amendment, lease renewal or new agreement by and between the City and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for or on behalf of any Commonwealth Department or Agency, at the property located at 2100 W. Girard Avenue; all under certain terms and conditions.

June 13, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
June 6, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
May 23, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
May 22, 2024 - REPORTED FAVORABLY, RULE SUSPENSION REQUESTED by Committee on Public Property and Public Works
May 22, 2024 - HEARING HELD by Committee on Public Property and Public Works
May 22, 2024 - HEARING NOTICES SENT by Committee on Public Property and Public Works
May 9, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Prohibiting the Commissioner of Public Property, or any other official of the City of Philadelphia (the “City”) acting on behalf of the City from entering into, executing, or authorizing a lease extension, lease amendment, lease renewal or new agreement by and between the City and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for or on behalf of any Commonwealth Department or Agency, at the property located at 2100 W. Girard Avenue; all under certain terms and conditions.
WHEREAS, On June 9, 1976, The City of Philadelphia entered into an agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by and through the Department of General Services for and on behalf of the Department of Health to lease the property located at 2100 W. Girard Avenue (the “Property”); and
WHEREAS, The City originally used this Property as a 402-bed long-term care nursing facility under the name Philadelphia Nursing Home; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Nursing Home permanently closed in 2022; and
WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Philadelphia has, by this Ordinance, determined that it is in the best interests of the City to cease all City of Philadelphia uses and operations at the Property; and now therefore:
SECTION 1. The Commissioner of Public Property, or any other officer of the City, shall not and is hereby prohibited from entering into, executing or authorizing any lease extension, lease amendment, lease renewal or new agreement on behalf of the City by and between the City and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for or on behalf of any Commonwealth Department or Agency for the property being known as and located at 2100 W. Girard Avenue situated in the 29th Ward of the City of Philadelphia, more formally described and attached hereto as Exhibit “A.” 
SECTION 2. The Sublease by and between the City and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania dated June 9, 1976 shall not be further extended beyond June 9, 2026, and the City shall promptly vacate the Property on or before the aforementioned date.
SECTION 3. The City Solicitor shall not and is hereby prohibited from reviewing any lease or other documents contrary to the purpose of this Ordinance.
SECTION 4. The President of City Council on behalf of the Council of the City of Philadelphia, is hereby authorized to take all action deemed necessary or appropriate to protect the best interests of the City to carry out the purpose of this Ordinance.
SECTION 5. If any provision of this Ordinance or application thereof to any persons or circumstances is judged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the Ordinance that can be given effect without the invalidated provision or application and to this end the provisions of the Ordinance are declared severable.
SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon becoming law.
Exhibit “A”
Beginning at the point of intersection the of southerly side of South College Avenue (60'wide)
and the northerly side of Poplar Street (50' wide); thence extending N83⁰ 03'07’’ E, along the said southerly side of South College Avenue and partly crossing former Twenty-second Street (60' wide), the distance of seven hundred forty-nine feet five and three-eighths (749' 5 3/8”) to a point on the centerline of the said former Twenty-second Street; thence extending S11⁰ 21' W, along the centerline of the said former Twenty-second Street, the distance of two hundred thirty-one feet one and seven-eighths inches (231' 1 7/8” ) to a point on the said  northerly side of Poplar Street; thence extending  N 78⁰ 59' W, along the said northerly side of Poplar Street, and partly recrossing the former Twenty-second Street the distance of seven hundred eleven feet six and three quarter inches (711' 6 ¾”) to the first mentioned point and place of beginning.
Beginning at the point of intersection of the southerly side of Girard Avenue (variable width) and the westerly side of Corinthian Avenue (80' wide); thence extending S 9⁰ 57' W, along the said westerly side of Corinthian Avenue, the distance of one hundred ninety-five feet eleven and five-eighths inches (195’ 11 5/8”) to a point; thence extending N 80⁰ 27' W the distance of two hundred ten feet six and three-eighths inches (210' 6 3/8”) to a point; thence extending S 8⁰ 52' W the distance of ninety feet two and one-eighth inches (90' 2 1/8") to a point; thence extending S 79⁰ 59' E the distance of two hundred eight feet nine and seven-eighths inches (208' 9 7/8”) to a point on the said westerly side of Corinthian Avenue; thence extending S 9⁰ 57’ W, along the said westerly side of Corinthian Avenue, the distance of one hundred twenty-six feet two and three-quarter inches (126’ 2 ¾” ) to the point of intersection of the said westerly side of Corinthian Avenue and the northerly side of Poplar Street (50' wide); thence extending N 78⁰ 59’ W, along the said northerly side of Poplar Street and crossing the former Twenty-first Street and partly crossing the former Twenty-second Street (60' wide), the distance of seven hundred forty-five feet four and five-eighths inches (745' 4 5/8”) to a point on the centerline of the said former Twenty-second Street; thence extending N 11⁰ 21’ E, along the said former Twenty-second Street, the distance of two hundred thirty-one feet one and seven-eighths inches (231' 1 7/8” ) to a point on the southerly side of South College Avenue (60' wide); thence extending N 83° 3’ 7” E, along the said southerly side of South College Avenue and partly recrossing the former Twenty-second Street, and recrossing the former Twenty-first Street, the distance of five hundred ninety-five feet eleven and seven-eighths inches (595' 11 7/8” ) to an angle point formed by the said southerly side of South College Avenue and the said southerly side of Girard Avenue; thence extending S 78⁰ 39' E, along the said southerly side of Girard Avenue, the distance of one hundred sixty-nine feet four and three-quarter inches (169' 4 ¾” ) to the first mentioned point and place of beginning.
