Resolution 240401

Celebrating the students and staff of Lincoln High School for their service in The 2024 Primary Election.

May 2, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Celebrating the students and staff of Lincoln High School for their service in The 2024 Primary Election.
WHEREAS, On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, polls for the Pennsylvania Primary Election opened at Lincoln High School in Mayfair, in the Sixth City Council District. Thirty-five (35) Lincoln High School students, two teachers, and three American Sign Langauge translators worked hard to keep the voting polls open and running smoothly; and
WHEREAS, Students at Lincoln High School filled all but three spots at the six districts that voted at Lincoln High School; and
WHEREAS, The unofficial total election day vote count in precinct 64-04 was 39; and
WHEREAS, The unofficial total election day vote count in precinct 64-05 was 51; and
WHEREAS, The unofficial total election day vote count in precinct 64-08 was 63; and
WHEREAS, The unofficial total election day vote count in precinct 64-09 was 27; and
WHEREAS, The unofficial total election day vote count in precinct 64-10 was 45; and
WHEREAS, The unofficial total election day vote count in precinct 64-13 was 37; and
WHEREAS, The unofficial total election day vote count in precinct 64-14 was 37; and
WHEREAS, The unofficial total election day vote count at Lincoln High School, including one provisional ballot, was 299; and
WHEREAS, The students of Lincoln High School demonstrated dedication to their community and understanding of the importance of voting; now, therefore, be it 
RESOLVED, THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Hereby honors and celebrates the students of Lincoln High School who worked the voting polls on Tuesday, April 23, 2024; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to the students and staff of Lincoln High School as evidence of the admiration and respect of this body.
