Resolution 240396

Honoring the Life and Legacy of Alfredo B. Calderon-Santini, Executive Director of ASPIRA Inc. of Pennsylvania, for his lifelong commitment to advancing quality education for every child in the City of Philadelphia.

May 2, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring the Life and Legacy of Alfredo B. Calderon-Santini, Executive Director of ASPIRA Inc. of Pennsylvania, for his lifelong commitment to advancing quality education for every child in the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, Alfredo, a beloved native of Bayamón, Puerto Rico, and a cherished Philadelphian, called North Philadelphia his home for several decades. A proud graduate of Saint Joseph's University. He dedicated his life to serving others and ensuring that every child in our City had access to quality learning; and
WHEREAS, His call to service began in the United States Army and later led him to ASPIRA Inc. of Pennsylvania. At ASPIRA, Inc., Alfredo transformed a small non-profit into one of our community’s largest educational and community enrichment hubs focused on providing Latino students and children from underserved neighborhoods with quality education; and
WHEREAS, For the past two decades, Alfredo's innovative leadership at ASPIRA, Inc. has brought about a tremendous transformation in the lives of thousands of families in Hunting Park, Olney, and Kensington. His unwavering commitment to the community has made our neighborhood a better place to live and has inspired many to follow in his footsteps; and
WHEREAS, Alfredo had a vision when he expanded ASPIRA, Inc.: to provide the highest quality education to every child, regardless of cultural background or zip code. He recognized the need for Black and Brown students to have equal access to educational opportunities and become leaders in the 21st century. He expanded the organization by establishing multiple new schools across the region and acquired the old campus of Cardinal Dougherty High School, which now serves as a home for thousands of bright students and a community hub. During the pandemic, hundreds of families were fed, and countless civic discussions took place, changing the outcomes of our neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, Alfredo B. Calderon-Santini passed away on April 30, 2024. He was not only an educator and leader but also a selfless servant who left a lasting legacy that will transform generations to come; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors the life and legacy of Alfredo B. Calderon-Santini, Executive Director of ASPIRA Inc. of Pennsylvania, for his lifelong commitment to advancing quality education for every child in the City of Philadelphia.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Alfredo B. Calderon-Santini as a sign of the admiration and respect of this legislative body.
