Resolution 240320

Celebrating the Return of the Tianjin Delegation on April 23, 2024.

April 18, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Celebrating the Return of the Tianjin Delegation on April 23, 2024.
WHEREAS, Tianjin and Philadelphia became sister cities on December 6, 1979. This partnership fostered decades of international communication and foreign collaboration. The partnership has created both economic and cultural opportunities for citizens of Philadelphia and Tianjin; and
WHEREAS, The City of Tianjin contains about 14.239 million residents as of 2023 and the highest per capita GDP in China at approximately $17,000. In addition, the City contains 285 Fortune 500 companies and approximately 18 universities; and
WHEREAS, The relationship between the City of Philadelphia and Tianjin has given multiple delegates and citizens of Tianjin the opportunity to travel to Philadelphia to foster a more understanding and globally aware city. Delegates have included Mayor of Tianjin Huang Xingguo in 2013, Deputy Director of the People’s Government of Tianjin Binhai New Area Zhang Tiejun in 2017, and representatives from the Tianjin World Trade Center and the Binhai New Area special development zone. The relationship has also encouraged several students each semester from Tianjin to attend college in Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, The friendship gate, The China Gate, located in Chinatown was dedicated as a commemoration of the friendship between Philadelphia and Tianjin, and built with tiles provided by Tianjin. The gate serves as a reminder of the friendship Philadelphia has with Tianjin and the contributions to Philadelphia made by the Chinese community. Chinese-American Artist Sabrina Soong supervised the design and building of the gate in 1984, and it was renovated by Chinese artists and architects in 2008; and
WHEREAS, The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia serves as the City of Philadelphia’s chosen partner to facilitate this special relationship. Many leading organizations in Philadelphia enjoy active partnerships with Tianjin including the Philadelphia Orchestra, Temple University and the World Trade Center of Greater Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, A Delegation from Tianjin will return to Philadelphia on April 23, 2024 to foster more cultural and economic connections and maintain the friendship built between the two cities. This partnership has produced positive relationships between the residents of Philadelphia and Tianjin, and the 45th anniversary of the establishment of the relationship between these two cities serves as a reminder of the opportunities Tianjin and Philadelphia have provided to each other; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Hereby honors and celebrates the return of the delegation of Tianjin to Philadelphia on April 23, and the 45th anniversary of becoming sister cities; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to the forthcoming delegation of Tianjin, as evidence of the respect and admiration of this body.
