Resolution 240319

Celebrating 75 Years of the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia.

April 18, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Celebrating 75 Years of the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia is an educational international affairs non-profit organization founded in 1949 as a conduit for creating substantial and knowledgeable public interest in international cooperation and opening doors between Philadelphia and the world; and
WHEREAS, The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia conducts youth and student education programs that spark interest in international affairs and cooperation among students and children. These programs include Model Senate, Global Economic Forum, Citizen Diplomat Academy, Student Diplomat/ Junior Model United Nations Programs, Global Smarts Mentoring Program, an international high school exchange program, and summer programs serving children in middle or high school. The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia also hosts interactive conferences at schools, and is a co-sponsor and co-founder of William W. Bodine High School for International Affairs, founded in 1981 as a foreign affairs alternative high school; and
WHEREAS, The United States Department of State has designated the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia as the facilitator of the International Visitor Leadership Program in the Greater Philadelphia Area. This program hosts over 400 international professionals and leaders at a professional exchange that fosters personal and professional connections between guests and locals; and
WHEREAS, The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia provides international travel experiences to the public, through their tours through all seven continents, and its travel program. The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia manages the City of Philadelphia's eleven sister cities, for which it maintains business, cultural, historical, and political relationships with, providing international opportunities for hundreds of residents of Philadelphia each year; and
WHEREAS, The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia provides professional global fluency training, giving professionals the skills and experience to successfully work internationally. They also host public speaker events, which allow citizens to form international connections and better understand world affairs; and
WHEREAS, The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia allows citizens to exchange ideas, debate, and explore ideas relating to world affairs. It has made international resources available to the residents of the City of Philadelphia and served as the region’s largest and longest-running international nonprofit. Its 75th anniversary, celebrated in 2024, is a momentous and important occasion for the City of Philadelphia; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, hereby honors and celebrates the 75th anniversary of the founding of the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, and extends congratulations for their dedication and achievements; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, as evidence of the respect and admiration of this body.
