Resolution 240311

Honoring the Life and Legacy of Edgar "Sonny" Campbell, former leader of Philadelphia's 4th Democratic Ward, for his decades of service to the City of Philadelphia.

April 18, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring the Life and Legacy of Edgar “Sonny” Campbell, former leader of Philadelphia’s 4th Democratic Ward, for his decades of service to the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, Edgar “Sonny” Campbell was a scion of the Democratic Party in Philadelphia. Starting on campaigns as a political consultant and strategist while he was a teenager, he spent his life building his skills and abilities in the Philadelphia Democratic Party; and
WHEREAS, From 1987-2009, “Sonny” Campbell spent decades as the Chair of West Philadelphia’s 4th Ward, where he dedicated his time to electing candidates of color. Throughout his time as Chair of the Ward, he was instrumental in helping elect Philadelphia’s first Black Mayor, W. Wilson Goode, Sr., and America’s first Black President, Barack Obama; and
WHEREAS, In 2009, “Sonny” took over as Leader of the 4th Ward. Throughout his time overseeing Democratic politics in Overbrook, Carroll Park, and Haddington, “Sonny” and the Campbell Family were responsible for electing more judges of color than ever before. He walked softly but carried a big stick in the Democratic Party. Ward Leader Campbell cared deeply about providing services to the people of West Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, In 2014, “Sonny” Campbell became the Leader of the United Democratic Ward Leaders of Color, where he worked to further representation for Black politicians on both the Democratic State Committee and the Democratic National Committee; and
WHEREAS, “Sonny” Campbell was a prolific fundraiser to elect black candidates city-wide. In addition to his position as Ward Leader, he served as the Secretary and Treasurer of the Philadelphia Democratic Party; and
WHEREAS, Throughout his career in Philadelphia politics, “Sonny Campbell,” along with his sister, former Councilmember Carol Campbell, dedicated his life to helping and supporting the “little people”; and
WHEREAS, On April 6, 2024, Edgar “Sonny” Campbell passed away. His memory will serve as an inspiration to everyone who knew him, and his dedication to service will serve as a model for all; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors the life and legacy of Edgar “Sonny” Campbell, former leader of Philadelphia’s 4th Democratic Ward, for his decades of service to the City of Philadelphia.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this Resolution be presented to the family of Edgar “Sonny” Campbell as a sign of the admiration and respect of this legislative body.
