Resolution 240310

Honoring and Recognizing the Philadelphia Law Department, The GIFFORDS Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, and the Hausfeld Law Firm for their work in upholding public safety for all Philadelphians by ensuring accountability for ghost gun suppliers.

April 18, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring and Recognizing the Philadelphia Law Department, The GIFFORDS Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, and the Hausfeld Law Firm for their work in upholding public safety for all Philadelphians by ensuring accountability for ghost gun suppliers.
WHEREAS, On July 5, 2023, The Philadelphia Law Department, along with their co-counsel, the GIFFORDS Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and the Hausfeld Law Firm, announced they had filed a lawsuit against two of the largest suppliers of ghost guns in Philadelphia. Both companies have directly contributed to Philadelphia’s gun violence crisis; and
WHEREAS, Polymer80 Inc. and JSD Supply are among the largest suppliers of ghost guns in Philadelphia. The companies sell ghost gun parts and kits without a background check. Their products can be used to easily assemble a fully functional, unserialized firearm using common household tools; and
WHEREAS, In 2020, City Council passed legislation regulating ghost gun parts in Philadelphia. This legislation prohibited the use of three-dimensional printers to manufacture firearms as well as the transfer of materials that are used to assemble ghost guns, except by persons with the appropriate federal license. After being involved in years of litigation, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court ruled that this legislation was not preempted and was able to be enforced; and
WHEREAS, Ghost guns have played a massive role in numerous high-profile shootings in Philadelphia, including the 2023 mass in West Philadelphia in July of 2023. Due to the fact that they cannot be traced to the original purchaser without a serial number, they have become widely used by juveniles not old enough to legally purchase a firearm or those who are not legally allowed to purchase firearm due to their experience in the criminal justice system; and
WHEREAS, In 2022 alone, 575 ghost guns were seized by the Philadelphia Police Department, and in 2023, 87% of ghost guns recovered in criminal investigations were manufactured by Polymer80. The lawsuit filed by the City and its partners was designed to hold manufacturers accountable for their contribution to Philadelphia’s gun violence crisis, specifically in Black and Brown neighborhoods. Its aim was also to halt ghost gun distributors from continuing their practices as well as seeking damages for the issues these companies have caused; and
WHEREAS, On April 12, 2024, on her 100th Day in office, Mayor Parker announced the City and its litigation partners had settled the lawsuit against Polymer80 Inc. and JSD Supply. Under the terms of the settlement, Polymer80 Inc. is prohibited from advertising or selling ghost gun kits within Philadelphia. In addition, they are not allowed to market or sell ghost gun kits in the surrounding counties for a period of four years. The City will also receive $1.3 million dollars to prevent gun violence. For JSD Supply, as a result of the settlement, the company is to stop selling ghost gun kits in Pennsylvania to consumers for a period of four years. Finally, the Eagle Shows organization, which hosts gun shows, will be prohibited from selling ghost gun kits at their shows for two years; and
WHEREAS, As a result of the zealous advocates at the Philadelphia Law Department and the City’s legal partners, two of the largest drivers of Philadelphia’s gun violence crisis are being held accountable. These legal groups’ creative and innovative strategies to address gun violence are truly unparalleled, and their impact will be felt for generations to come. The Philadelphia Law Department, the GIFFORDS Center to Prevent Gun Violence, and the Hausfeld Law Firm’s role in protecting the health, safety, and wellbeing of all Philadelphians should be forever honored and commemorated; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors and recognizes the Philadelphia Law Department, The GIFFORDS Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, and the Hausfeld Law Firm for their work in upholding public safety for all Philadelphians by ensuring accountability for ghost gun suppliers.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this Resolution be presented to the Philadelphia Law Department, the GIFFORDS Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and the Hausfeld Law Form as a sign of the sincere admiration and respect of this legislative body.
