Resolution 240308

Calling on the Pennsylvania State Senate to pass House Bill 1130 to create the Safer Communities Grant Program, which will make Philadelphia safer by providing funding for lighting and security cameras around schools, playgrounds, community centers, and other high crime areas.

April 25, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
April 18, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Calling on the Pennsylvania State Senate to pass House Bill 1130 to create the Safer Communities Grant Program, which will make Philadelphia safer by providing funding for lighting and security cameras around schools, playgrounds, community centers, and other high crime areas.
WHEREAS, On May 5, 2023, State Representative G. Roni Green introduced House Bill 1130, which will establish the Safer Communities Grant Program, a program designed to provide critical funding to communities to install critical technology infrastructure such as cameras and lighting near schools, playgrounds, and community centers; and
WHEREAS, This legislation will have a massive impact on addressing violent crime in Philadelphia. Studies show something as simple as installing lights can have a positive effect on reducing violent crime. The locations specifically targeted in this legislation-schools, recreation centers, and playgrounds deserve to be havens that can be utilized by all Philadelphians. But, as a result of violent crime, many fear going to these locations. By passing the Safer Communities Grant Program, the Commonwealth will ensure that these sacred locations are protected from harm; and
WHEREAS, The 57 Blocks Theory in Philadelphia shows that 57 of Philadelphia’s blocks are most susceptible to gun violence. Many times, these blocks in particular are poorly lit and lack the necessary camera infrastructure technology. Furthermore, in 2023, The Blueprint for a Safer Philadelphia recommends addressing Philadelphia’s Street lighting issue as well as challenges regarding the camera technology in our neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, If passed, this vital legislation would create a new grant program administered by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency and would be paid for by adding additional licensing requirements to firearm purchases; and
WHEREAS, Time and time again, violent crime committed in areas of low visibility or in areas not covered by cameras, can go unsolved. Especially in areas that are considered part of the “57 Blocks Theory,” which demonstrates that a large majority of shootings are concentrated in specific areas, cameras and lighting could be essential to solving crime; and
WHEREAS, On July 7, 2023, The Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed House Bill 1130 by a vote of 102-101. The Bill currently sits in the Pennsylvania State Senate awaiting a committee hearing. It is essential that The Pennsylvania State Senate take up this piece of legislation to allow an influx of funding to make Philadelphia a safer City for all; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby calls on the Pennsylvania State Senate to pass House Bill 1130 to create the Safer Communities Grant Program, which would make Philadelphia safer by providing funding for lighting and security cameras around schools, playgrounds, community centers, and other high crime areas.
