Resolution 240306

Establishing the month of April as Philadelphia Histories Month in the City of Philadelphia, commencing in 2025 and continuing annually thereafter.

April 25, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
April 18, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Establishing the month of April as Philadelphia Histories Month in the City of Philadelphia, commencing in 2025 and continuing annually thereafter.
WHEREAS, The people of the City of Philadelphia have experienced extraordinary and diverse histories through centuries. These shared histories are worthy of preserving, curating, and sharing through all forms of storytelling; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia History Museum at the Atwater Kent closed in 2018 due a lack of philanthropic and audience support. Following the closure of the Atwater Kent, the City of Philadelphia moved to preserve the historical collection of artifacts formerly held by the Philadelphia History Museum through a trusteeship with Drexel University; and
WHEREAS, Excavating, understanding and celebrating Philadelphia’s diverse and deep histories is a means for learning how the past influences the future and how each new community or family that came to Philadelphia helped shape the City’s history; and
WHEREAS, A diverse community representing students, teachers, museum curators, historians, neighborhood associations, librarians, people who love history, and those whose histories have been overlooked has united to support the establishment of a special, perpetual celebration of Philadelphia’s histories; and
WHEREAS, “Founding partners” including the School District of Philadelphia, the Archdiocesan Schools, Philadelphia Charters for Excellence, the Friends’ Schools, and other independent schools, together with the tourism and hospitality industry, the organizations and affiliations that comprise the histories industry, and numerous community-based enterprises, both private and non-profit have coalesced to promote the histories of the people of Philadelphia in a conscious and formal manner. The City of Philadelphia is pleased to offer its leadership to such an initiative; and
WHEREAS, Philadelphia enjoys a rich historical legacy and Philadelphia Histories Month will provide residents of Philadelphia and visitors from across the globe with invaluable opportunities to immerse themselves in the City’s diverse histories. In the years leading into 2026, when the City will host a semi quincentennial celebration of the Nation’s founding, and for years beyond, Philadelphia Histories Month will bring Philadelphians together to celebrate and learn from our City’s histories; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Hereby establishes the month of April as Philadelphia Histories Month in the City of Philadelphia, commencing in 2025 and continuing annually thereafter.
