Resolution 240296

Recognizing the 8th District Rebuild Community Development Partners, Nicetown CDC and Allegheny West Foundation, for their hard work and revitalization of communities in their respective neighborhoods.

April 11, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Recognizing the 8th District Rebuild Community Development Partners, Nicetown CDC and Allegheny West Foundation, for their hard work and revitalization of communities in their respective neighborhoods.
WHEREAS, Rebuild is a program that aims to make physical improvements to parks, recreation centers, and libraries in Philadelphia while simultaneously promoting diversity and economic inclusion by supporting minorities and women who work in the design and construction industries; and
WHEREAS, Allegheny West Foundation is a community development corporation that acts as a cornerstone of their community in many different ways. They have been involved in neighborhood revitalization since 1968, with goals to develop strategy for industrial land that can be reclaimed for mixed-use, transit-oriented developments, creating and preserving affordable housing opportunities, and supporting local business development and job creation; and
WHEREAS, Allegheny West Foundation has a strong vision, as well as strong community support for their economic development plans, and is working towards transforming that vision into a reality. Their mission of crafting solutions that jumpstart housing, education and neighborhood prosperity is admirable; and
WHEREAS, Nicetown CDC is a community development corporation whose mission is to dynamically improve the quality of life in Nicetown and surrounding communities by establishing sustainable community economic development. They fulfill their mission with a holistic and inclusive approach to goals and objectives that prioritize public safety, affordable housing development, commercial corridor revitalization, arts and culture and land care; and
WHEREAS, Nicetown CDC is crucial to the finalization and rejuvenation of Barrett Playground. Playgrounds present an opportunity for children and adolescents to be physically active and to express their passions for sports. By improving publicly accessible neighborhood playgrounds, these corporations are maximizing and maintaining their spaces and equipment to ensure safety and reduce the risk of injury. This is an essential benefit to children and communities; and
RESOLVED, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Hereby recognizes the 8th District Rebuild Community Development Partners, Nicetown CDC and Allegheny West Foundation, for their hard work and revitalization of communities in their respective neighborhoods.
