Resolution 240292

Recognizing and honoring Circadium Circus School as the first accredited circus school in the United States.

April 11, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Recognizing and honoring Circadium Circus School as the first accredited circus school in the United States.
WHEREAS, In 2014, having founded the Philadelphia School of Circus Arts and spending  several years on tour with Cirque du Soleil, Shana and Greg Kennedy launched a strategic plan for a higher education circus program in Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, After a two year process, Circadium was licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education in 2017, as one of the few performing arts schools licensed in the City as a vocational school; and
WHEREAS, Circadium opened as a 3-year vocational school at its Circus Campus in West Mt. Airy, at the former St. Madeline Sophie Catholic Church, and welcomed its first cohort of students, and offering coursework in technical circus disciplines such as Juggling and Contortion, as well as supplementary academic subjects such as Circus History, Theatre, and Career Planning; and
WHEREAS, Classes of approximately 8 full-time students per year are enrolled in Circadium, and students have come from 20 different states around the U.S. 24 students have graduated from Circadium to date with a Diploma of Circus Arts; and
WHEREAS, Circadium student performers create site-specific experimental performance projects on campus utilizing the historic church space. They have performed their works-in-progress for the public on site, and present their graduation performances at FringeArts, local outdoor festival and international arts festivals; and
WHEREAS, In February 2024, Circadium was recognized as an accredited institution by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges, becoming the only accredited circus school in the United States; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby recognizes and honors Circadium Circus School as the first accredited circus school in the United States.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this Resolution be presented to Shana Kennedy, Executive Director of Circadium Circus School, as a sign of the admiration and respect of this legislative body.
