Resolution 240291

Honoring and recognizing Philly Girls Jump and further declaring May 4th, 2024, and every first Saturday in May thereafter, "Philly Double Dutch Day" in the City of Philadelphia.

April 11, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring and recognizing Philly Girls Jump and further declaring May 4th, 2024, and every first Saturday in May thereafter, “Philly Double Dutch Day” in the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, Double Dutch has been an integral part of Philadelphia’s cultural fabric, reflecting the City’s creativity and resilience. Philly Girls Jump is the first organization in Philadelphia to curate community events specifically highlighting non-competitive Double Dutch for all ages; and
WHEREAS, Philly Girls Jump was created by Della Burns and Tanisha Rinehardt, both born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. In 1993, Burns and Rinehardt met in their freshman year at Philadelphia High School for Girls. Throughout their childhood, at school and around their neighborhoods, they jumped Double Dutch. Their love for jumping rope resurfaced decades later in 2016 with the idea of wanting to get active; and
WHEREAS, In April of 2016, Philly Girls Jump partnered with Philadelphia Parks and Recreation to host over 2,000 people at Awbury Park to jump rope and enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere; and
WHEREAS, Philly Girls Jump has organically transformed into a movement of community fun and fitness. Philly Girls Jump received an overwhelmingly positive response, which has inspired ongoing events.  Tanisha Rinehardt and partner Rasheedah Mclean are currently leading Philly Girls Jump into their 9th season of spreading fun, joy and jump rope. They are planning and participating in community-based events throughout Philadelphia, including weekly Double Dutch pop-ups; and
WHEREAS, Philly Girls Jump has been spotlighted in The O Magazine, Good Housekeeping Magazine, and Fox Sports. The group has also participated in numerous community events such as The School District of Philadelphia Back 2 School Event, Temple University Community Day, Philadelphia Juneteenth Parade & Festival, and Philadelphia’s Sheriff’s Office Unity in the Community; and
WHEREAS, Double Dutch is deeply rooted in Philly’s cultural fabric.  Having a “Philly Double Dutch Day” will reflect the City’s spirit of creativity, resilience and teamwork.  Double Dutch is a shared experience that brings people together across age, gender and background; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors and recognizes Philly Girls Jump further and declares May 4th, 2024, and every first Saturday in May thereafter, “Philly Double Dutch Day” in the City of Philadelphia.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to Philly Girls Jump, in recognition of this occasion, further evidencing the sincere admiration and respect of this legislative body.
