Resolution 240264

Recognizing and honoring the staff of McPherson Square Library for their heroic efforts in building and maintaining safe spaces within one of the most vulnerable, but resilient, communities in the City of Philadelphia.

April 4, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Recognizing and honoring the staff of McPherson Square Library for their heroic efforts in building and maintaining safe spaces within one of the most vulnerable, but resilient, communities in the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, Our Kensington Heroes from the McPherson Square Library, through their powerful and inspiring dedication to the community of the 7th Councilmanic District, displayed tenacity and grace in the face of a national public health crisis by creating a safe space for children to develop their hearts and minds; and
WHEREAS, McPherson Square serves the neighborhoods of Kensington, McPherson Square, and Kensington and Allegheny Avenues; and
WHEREAS, The McPherson Square Library now resides in a domed, classically designed Carnegie building centered in a small neighborhood park known as McPherson Square. Over a century ago, however, the library first opened on July 5, 1898, in an old house known as the Webster Mansion. The mansion had been the home of three generations of the prominent Webster family from 1805 until 1891, when the home and grounds were sold to the City of Philadelphia for recreational purposes. The mansion was torn down in 1915 and the current library building opened on May 25, 1917; and
WHEREAS, McPherson Square Park is named for General William MacPherson, who was the original owner of Webster Mansion. General McPherson- the son of Captain John MacPherson, a famous Scottish sea captain- joined the patriot forces in 1776. George Washington, a close friend, was often entertained in the mansion; and
WHEREAS, Despite difficult circumstances, residents, children and teens from the community gather at the library after school to receive help with homework and participate in after-school programming led by staff members. For parents, the library is a bastion of safety and serenity, where they eagerly send out their children, in the firm belief they’ll be safe behind its’ walls. The staff at McPherson Square Library are dedicated to the community, giving everything they have in protecting the space and the peace that comes with it, for the sake of every resident and visitor; and
WHEREAS, While the public health crisis continues, the employees of the library remain resilient, going beyond their duties to safekeep those who come to find community. Their hard work to keep this library as a lifeline to an ailing community is nothing short of heroic. From community cleanups, after school programming, enhanced safety measures to feeding hungry children, the employees of the library are truly heroic figures; and
WHEREAS, The McPherson Square Library and the Park in which it rests are deeply valuable lifelines. These spaces connect people together, as they always have and as they always will. The dedication of our Kensington Heroes provides the City of Philadelphia with hope for a brighter future. Those who come through the doors of the library know they can expect to be served with utmost excellent, dignity and compassion, no matter who they are or where they come from; and
WHEREAS, The library employees serving the Kensington community produce miracles with what limited resources they have. Their efforts and sacrifices have not gone unnoticed, neither by this Council nor by the community and they deserve the resources and support to continue their life-saving work; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors the staff of McPherson Square Library for their heroic efforts in building and maintaining safe spaces within one of the most vulnerable, but resilient communities in the City of Philadelphia.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to the staff of McPherson Square Library as evidence of the sincere sentiments of this legislative body.
