Resolution 240251

Authorizing the creation of a task force to study and develop proposals, strategies, and recommendations to enhance parental/guardian engagement, oversight, accountability, and resources within the City of Philadelphia.

April 11, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
April 4, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Authorizing the creation of a task force to study and develop proposals, strategies, and recommendations to enhance parental/guardian engagement, oversight, accountability, and resources within the City of Philadelphia.  
WHEREAS, The Mayor recently declared a state of emergency due to public safety concerns; In 2023, there were over 3,000 shootings, with 17% involving young people under the age of 21;
WHEREAS, The U.S. Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention reported that children raised in supportive, affectionate, and accepting homes are less likely to become deviant;
WHEREAS, The lack of engagement in mental health services, a rise in the misuse of social media platforms, the lack of resources and support for parent/guardian engagement, and the lack of engagement in out-of-school time activities appear to be significant contributing factors to gun violence, demanding urgent attention and comprehensive solutions; now, therefore, be it
SECTION 1. Creation of the Parent/Guardian Engagement Task Force. The Parent/Guardian Engagement Task Force (hereafter referred to as “the Task Force”) is hereby created as a Council advisory body.
SECTION 2. Composition of the Task Force. The Chair of the Committee on Children and Youth shall appoint the Chair of the Task Force. The Task Force shall be composed of:
1.                     Two members, one from the Majority Leader and one from the Minority Leader;
2.                     Two members from the Mayor or her designee, based on recommendations from the Chief Public Safety Director and the Office of Youth Engagement;
3.                     Two members from the School District of Philadelphia, one from the Office of Information Technology and one from the Office of Family and Community Engagement;
4.                     One member from the Philadelphia Home and School Council;
5.                     Three members from a non-profit that focuses on youth engagement, which includes but is not limited to violence reduction organizations, youth academic organizations, and youth empowerment organizations;
6.                     Three parents/guardians appointed by the Chairs of the Council Committees on Education and Children and Youth;
7.                     One member who is a licensed mental health professional for children;
8.                     One member who is a secondary teacher;
9.                     One member who is a secondary administrator;
10.                     Three members who are currently in high school grades 9-12; and
11.                     A young person under 19 who is currently or formerly housed at the Juvenile Justice Service Center (JJSC).
SECTION 3. Function of the Task Force. The Task Force shall work to:
1.                     Investigate ways to equip parents and guardians with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources for effective parenting in the digital age;
2.                     Examine best practices on youth access to social media and delve into the factors contributing to its potentially harmful use;
3.                     Explore strategies to provide parents with knowledge, skills, and resources to support their children's educational needs - empowering parents to advocate for themselves and their children and improving opportunities for parents to collaborate with schools and the School District;
4.                     Explore ways to increase parental oversight and provide recommendations based on those findings; and
5.                     Assess ways to provide parents with resources promoting healthy lifestyle choices for their children and recommend resources for social services and mental health support for families.
SECTION 4: Meetings of the Task Force. The Task Force shall be convened within 90 days of its creation and shall meet at such times as the Chair of the Task Force deems necessary and appropriate.
SECTION 5. Report of the Task Force. Within six months of its first meeting, the Task Force will prepare a report of its findings and recommendations. This report shall be distributed to the Mayor and all Members of the City Council and made publicly available.
