Resolution 240234

Recognizing and Honoring Officer Tony Long, Sr. on the occasion of his retirement from the Philadelphia Police Department, commending his commitment to law enforcement and public service after 37 years of employment with the City of Philadelphia.

March 21, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Recognizing and Honoring Officer Tony Long, Sr. on the occasion of his retirement from the Philadelphia Police Department, commending his commitment to law enforcement and public service after 37 years of employment with the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, Officer Tony Long, Sr. is a 33-year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department, graduating in class 297A of the Police Academy in April of 1992; and,
WHEREAS, Upon graduation, Officer Long was assigned to the Philadelphia Transit Unit, Center City District where he began protecting Philadelphians; and
WHEREAS, In September of 2003, Officer was assigned to City Hall where he became and stalwart figure and friendly face to the people who work to make Philadelphia thrive; and
WHEREAS, During his tenure as an Officer in City Hall, Officer Long has worked under five of the City’s Mayors, beginning with the Honorable Ed Rendell and continuing through the current administration of the Honorable Cherelle Parker; and,
WHEREAS, In addition to serving in City Hall, Officer Long worked in various capacities including Philadelphia sports teams’ championship games, National Party Conventions, visits from several Presidents of the United States and Pope Francis; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA Recognizes and honors Officer Tony Long, Sr. on the occasion of his retirement from the Philadelphia Police Department and commends his commitment to law enforcement and public service after 37 years of employment with the City of Philadelphia; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this Resolution be presented to Officer Tony Long, Sr. representing the deepest respect of this legislative body.
