Resolution 240228

Honoring our Women's History Month heroes, principals Sherri Arabia, Charlotte Gillum, Awilda Balbuena, Diana Garcia, Regina Tanghe, Mama Tameka Bowman, Mama Marika Meekins and Erica Green. These are eight women in leadership who are dedicated to serving the children of the School District of Philadelphia, investing in a better Philadelphia for all.

March 21, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring our Women’s History Month heroes, principals Sherri Arabia, Charlotte Gillum, Awilda Balbuena, Diana Garcia, Regina Tanghe, Mama Tameka Bowman, Mama Marika Meekins and Erica Green. These are eight women in leadership who are dedicated to serving the children of the School District of Philadelphia, investing in a better Philadelphia for all.
WHEREAS, On this day we come together to honor women in Philadelphia who have served to nurture the future of our City. A single day, let alone a month, cannot encompass the collective impact these women have made on the children of Philadelphia. Their service to our children is paramount to preserving prosperity and peace in the City of Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, Principal Erica Green has been the principal of Conwell Middle Magnet School since 2013, serving the School District of Philadelphia in this position for 11 years. She began her journey at Woodrow Wilson Middle School, all the while furthering her own education through her professional certifications. Principal Green is an award-winning educator, having achieved a Lindback Award for Distinguished Principals and the Marcus A. Foster Award for Stellar Principals. She remains an active member of the community, sitting on the board of the non-profit organization Shelice’s Angels. She is also a steward for the Commonwealth of School Administrators Association; and 
WHEREAS, Principal Diana Garcia is the leader of Frances E. Willard Elementary School, carrying over twenty years of academic experience and accomplishment as an educator and administrator for elementary and middle school level students. Her grasp of elementary and middle school pedagogy, coupled with her strong ability to connect with her community have translated into an impactful track record of success for her students. Principal Garcia’s vision is to continue improving the quality of education for her students through providing excellent instructional leadership, that is researched-based, encompassing the whole child, fostering a safe environment conducive to learning and with a focus to inclusivity; and
WHEREAS, Principal Awilda Balbuena has served a 14-year tenure as the leader of Gloria Casarez Elementary School, since 2010. She brings to education over 20 years of experience as an elementary school principal, standing proudly as a role model to her peers and students. She works tremendously hard to hire the right personnel, motivating and training them to maintain peak performance, all the while fostering a creative and motivated work environment; and
WHEREAS, Principal Sherri Arabia leads the John H. Webster School, where she strives to create an educational environment that is safe, secure and orderly for students and staff. She has worked to promote high-quality instructional practices that consistently allow for excellence in school-wide instruction. Her visible and consistent presence throughout the school, along with her support of the professional growth of staff members based on their individual needs and goals, has created an environment of constant improvement; and
WHEREAS, Principal Charlotte Gillum has served many roles at Lewis Elkin Elementary School. Since 2010 she has served as a Grade Chair and Teacher Leader, before becoming the Dean of Students. Now she serves as both the Dean and the Principal, driving and supporting the vision of the school to ensure a positive, achievement focused school culture among teachers, staffs and students. She has dedicated her service almost exclusively to Lewis Elkin Elementary, beginning her service as a Literacy Intern, and then a classroom teacher. Her consistency in the community along with her engagement activities have engendered a neighborhood-centered approach to learning and development at Lewis Elkin Elementary School; and
WHEREAS, Principal Marika Meekins is an outstanding professional in education, with 21 years of experience in urban education. She brings to the Philadelphia School District talents that collectively work to accelerate student progress, achievement, educator effectiveness, and organizational capacity. Her time in education has aided her in building the skills to communicate across diverse groups of stakeholders in community and education. Mama Meekins is a Lindback Distinguished Teacher, receiving this Award in 2018 in recognition of her dedication and demonstration of excellence in promoting learning at the highest levels; and
WHEREAS, Principal Tameka Thomas-Bowman is a dedicated, resourceful education professional with a penchant for creating and improving policies and practices that promote a safe learning space. Mama Bowman is able to ensure a school culture that encourages continuous improvements for teachers and students. Through her labor, she’s developed an environment that encourages open communication with colleagues, students, and the community; and
WHEREAS, Principal Regina Tanghe has served as a principal for over 10 years, dedicating her most recent service to Visitation BVM. Principal Tanghe is a qualified administrator with a proud history of providing catholic education, dedicated to improving school performance, teacher training and student success. At Visitation, students take on a pledge to hold their education as a sacred trust, to bring honor, integrity and respect to themselves and the institution they represent. Principal Tanghe brings out the best in her educational environment, facilitating staff meetings, meetings with parents, providing guidance for students and improving their academic outcomes; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors principals Sherri Arabia, Charlotte Gillum, Awilda Balbuena, Diana Garcia, Regina Tanghe, Tameka Bowman, Marika Meekins and Erica Green for their outstanding service toward the future of our City, and those who will thrive in it. Their efforts today will raise up generations of women to pursue their dreams as they contribute to society and our collective betterment.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this Resolution be presented to principals Sherri Arabia, Charlotte Gillum, Awilda Balbuena, Diana Garcia, Regina Tanghe, Tameka Bowman, Marika Meekins and Erica Green as a sign of the admiration and respect of this legislative body.
