Resolution 240165

Honoring and Recognizing Tanya Hill-Holiday for her admirable career achievements during Women's History Month.

March 7, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring and Recognizing Tanya Hill-Holiday for her admirable career achievements during Women’s History Month.
WHEREAS, Tanya Hill-Holiday was raised in West Philadelphia after moving from Virginia as a child. After graduating high school, Tanya attended Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland. It was here that she began her career working for McDonald’s; and
WHEREAS, Tanya started out as a crew member at a McDonald’s in Baltimore. She completed tasks such as scrubbing toilets and baseboards before advancing up the corporate ladder. After graduating from Morgan State University, where she studied management, she joined the McDonald’s training program, which took her through the ranks of the corporate sector of the company. Within McDonald’s corporate ranks, Tanya has held 13 positions; and
WHEREAS, After Tanya’s journey of moving from assistant manager to vice president of company owned locations, she secured her own McDonald’s location in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This transformed her career. Tanya became the first Black woman to own and operate a McDonald’s franchise in Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, She now owns and operates 12 McDonald’s restaurants, including three on the Main Line and one in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Tanya prides herself on changing the traditional corporate layout of each store, putting her own twist on things; and
WHEREAS, Tanya has been in the McDonald’s world for 44 years. She oversees more than 600 employees and makes it her mission to give back. Tanya serves as the National Black McDonald's Operators Association Chair and CEO of 168 entities across the U.S; and
WHEREAS, Tanya Hill-Holiday is a woman to be admired and exemplified by the city of Philadelphia. Her story is one to be shared and used for inspiration, especially for the younger generation. Her determination and grit against a system that was not built for her shows her character and dedication to success; now, therefore, be it,
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors and recognizes Tanya Hill-Holiday during Women’s History Month for her compelling and inspiring career journey and her dedication to success.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to Tanya Hill-Holiday as an expression of the sincere admiration and respect of this legislative body.
