Resolution 240143

Authorizing and ratifying the designation of Councilmember Jeffery Young, Jr., as Council's representative in connection with an appeal of the decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment with respect to 1451 North Broad Street and all litigation related thereto.

March 7, 2024 - CITY COUNCIL
Feb. 29, 2024 - Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar by CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Authorizing and ratifying the designation of Councilmember Jeffery Young, Jr., as Council’s representative in connection with an appeal of the decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment with respect to 1451 North Broad Street and all litigation related thereto.
HEREAS, Pursuant to Resolution No. 200064, Council President Darrell L. Clarke filed an appeal, on behalf of and as representative of City Council, of the decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment with respect to 1451 North Broad Street, docketed in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County at February Term, 2022, No. 00430; and 
WHEREAS, The Court of Common Pleas ruled that Council President Clarke did not have sufficiently specific authorization from Council to file such appeal; and
WHEREAS, On March 9, 2023, Council adopted Resolution No. 230169, which reaffirmed that the Council President, the elected represented of Council from the Fifth Council District (the District tin which 1451 N. Broad Street is located), was authorized to represent Council and has full authority to file and prosecute, on behalf of and as representative of Council, in all aspects of that matter; and 
WHEREAS, Former Council President Clarke chose not to run for reelection in 2023; and  
WHEREAS, the Hon. Jeffery Young, Jr., having been duly sworn in as the current Councilmember for the Fifth Council District, has been authorized by letter of the President of Council (pursuant to Council Resolution No. 240049, adopted February 21, 2024) to continue to represent Council in that matter, including with respect to an appeal to the Commonwealth Court; and
WHEREAS The Council wishes to reaffirm that authorization and, further, to ratify that the Fifth Council District’s elected representative, Hon. Jeffery Young, Jr., is Council’s authorized representative in all matters related to the 1451 N. Broad St. zoning appeal; now, therefore, be it:
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That Hon. Jeffery Young, Jr., Councilmember for the Fifth Council District, has full authority on behalf and as representative of this Council in connection with all aspects of the appeal of the decision of the Zoning Board of Adjustment with respect to 1451 North Broad Street, docketed in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County at February Term, 2022, No. 00430, and in the Commonwealth Court, No. 249 CD 2023, and any other litigation pertaining to this matter.  
