Resolution 240142

Honoring and celebrating the life and legacy of former Chief Clerk Michael Andrew Decker, our friend, colleague, and dedicated public servant.

Feb. 29, 2024 - Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar by CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Honoring and celebrating the life and legacy of former Chief Clerk Michael Andrew Decker, our friend, colleague, and dedicated public servant.
WHEREAS, Michael A. Decker, 58, the longtime Chief Clerk of Philadelphia City Council, died unexpectedly. An ever-present figure in City Hall, Michael Decker had for the past fifteen years served as City Council’s Chief Clerk, his voice synonymous with the City’s legislative branch.; and
WHEREAS, Michael Decker was first hired to work as a clerk in City Council in 1988 where he would go on to work for thirty-six years. He rose through the ranks, serving in a variety of jobs including Clerk, Administrative Technician, Appointed Deputy Chief Clerk, and Appointed/Elected Chief Clerk; and
WHEREAS, Michael Decker worked under three Chief Clerks: Charles Sawyer, Marie Hauser, and Patricia Rafferty. In 2009, Michael Decker succeeded former Chief Clerk Patricia Rafferty when she retired. Michael Decker was one of Patricia Rafferty’s top deputies and was seen as her natural successor. After the retirement of Patricia Rafferty in 2009, Michael Decker served as Chief Clerk under three Council Presidents: Anna Verna, Darrell L. Clarke, and Kenyatta Johnson until his untimely passing; and
WHEREAS, Philadelphia City Council’s Chief Clerk is elected by sitting City Councilmembers at the beginning of each four-year term. The Chief Clerk is in charge of recording legislation, ensuring Council meetings follow legislative rules, and handling a variety of other administrative tasks. Presiding over meetings is the Chief Clerk’s most public-facing responsibility, but the majority of the work takes place behind the scenes; and
WHEREAS, Chief Clerks are tasked with maintaining archives of Council business in an office on the fourth floor of City Hall (Room 402), where ordinances dating back to 1854 are logged. The Chief Clerk tracks each of the hundreds of resolutions and bills that Councilmembers introduce each year, from zoning changes to amendments to the city’s Home Rule Charter; and
WHEREAS, Michael Decker passed away suddenly in his home on February 20, 2024. He was 58 years of age. Michael Decker is survived by his three sons: Oscar, Michael A., Mark A.; and
WHEREAS, Michael Decker is remembered by his family as a “perfecter of many skills”. He was a hard worker, skilled musician, avid reader (especially the Bible), involved in Church Ministry, a “gamer”, and loved bikes of all kinds. His family fondly referred to him as a “direct straight shooter”; and
WHEREAS, Michael Decker’s remarkable 36-year career in public service stands as a testament to his dedication to the City of Philadelphia, and this Council body is proud to celebrate his life in service; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors and celebrates the life and legacy of former Chief Clerk Michael Andrew Decker, our friend, colleague, and dedicated public servant.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this Resolution be presented to the family of Chief Clerk Michael Andrew Decker, as evidence of the sincere respect and admiration of this legislative body.
