Resolution 240069

Authorizing the Committee on Legislative Oversight to hold hearings to investigate the City's progress on its carbon neutrality goals to meaningfully participate in the planet-wide effort to mitigate the effects of global warming.

March 4, 2024 - RECESSED by Committee on Legislative Oversight
March 4, 2024 - HEARING HELD by Committee on Legislative Oversight
March 4, 2024 - HEARING NOTICES SENT by Committee on Legislative Oversight
Feb. 1, 2024 - Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar by CITY COUNCIL
Feb. 1, 2024 - ADOPTED by CITY COUNCIL
Full Text

Authorizing the Committee on Legislative Oversight to hold hearings to investigate the City’s progress on its carbon neutrality goals to meaningfully participate in the planet-wide effort to mitigate the effects of global warming.
WHEREAS, Last year was the warmest year on record globally and the 10 hottest years on record in the United States have all occurred since 2010; and
WHEREAS, The globally agreed goal to keep global mean temperature rise to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius is likely to be surpassed in the next year; and
WHEREAS, Philadelphia has joined several global efforts to combat climate change and has set its own carbon neutrality goals; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Office of Sustainability has led the City toward its current goal of carbon neutrality by 2050; and
WHEREAS, As global warming speeds up and the effects it mounts, Philadelphia should consider ways to get to carbon neutrality faster; and
WHEREAS, This hearing should focus on new and innovative ways to reduce our carbon footprint, bring about a just energy transition, and center communities that have been repeatedly burdened with negative environmental impacts ranging from more flooding to higher rates of asthma and heart conditions to hotter streets and fewer places to beat the heat; and
WHEREAS, At the beginning of a new legislative term and new administration, the hearing should establish the progress the city has made as it relates to our climate resiliency and carbon neutrality goals, as well as establish new goals and as we work towards a clean and green future for Philadelphia; now, therefore, be it,
RESOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PHILADELPHIA, Authorizes the Committee on Legislative Oversight to hold hearings to investigate the City’s progress on its Carbon neutrality goals and seek out best practices and new ideas to speed up Philadelphia’s just climate future.
